
As we are now all aware, over time, our skin loses its ability to create collagen, sometimes this leads to wrinkling and sagging of the skin particularly around the eyes, mouth, neck & hands. The skin here is prone to becoming less firm as we naturally move these areas around a lot more in our everyday lives.

Collagen is our bodies structural component and is found in bones, muscles tendons and especially in the skin. In the dermis or the middle layer of skin, collagen helps form a fibrous network of cells called fibroblasts, upon which new cells can grow. It also plays a role in replacing and restoring dead skin cells.

By using the power of plasma, we can stimulate these wonderful fibroblast cells, the most common cells in connective tissue, this elevates your skins elastin and collagen content. The action of plasma on the skin called sublimation creates an instant tightening effect and the effects off the treatment create a beautiful lifted and tightened skin with smoothed outlines and a rejuvenated appearance.

Areas which can be treated are;

  • The Forehead: horizontal & vertical expression lines, frown lines.
  • The Eyes: laughter lines or crows feet, drooping upper eyelids and crepey areas under eyes.
  • The Mouth: Smokers lines above & below the lips, upper lip lift, Naso-labial lines. Laughter lines.
  • The Jowls: Sagging jowls and jawline.
  • The Neck: Horizontal lines & Crepey loose skin.
  • The Décolletage: Crepey skin & Vertical lines.
  • The Stomach: Crepey loose skin.

Fibroblast Treatments - Price List

Fibroblast Consultation £15
Fibroblast - Upper Lip £190
Fibroblast - Cheek Lines £190
Fibroblast - Cheek Lines & Upper Lip £290
Fibroblast - Eyelids £240
Fibroblast - Under Eyes £240
Fibroblast - Laughter Lines / Crows Feet £190
Fibroblast - Eyelids & Laughter Lines / Crows Feet £340

About Plasma Elite


We have chosen to train and work with award-winning UK company, Plasma Elite to offer Plasma Fibroblast skin lifting and tightening treatments otherwise known as  “The non-surgical facelift”.

Plasma Elite was founded by 3 of the industry’s leading figures who have years of experience and are trusted long-standing pioneers in the beauty industry and have years of experience in their respective fields.

Our instruments, equipment & products are of the highest standard and we are the first to have our machine comply to The Medical Device Standards 2020 legislation which ensures our instruments are the Gold standard in Plasma Fibroblast treatments.

Advantages of Plasma Elite - Fibroblast skin tightening & Lifting

  • Non-surgical
  • Virtually pain free
  • No injectable anesthetic required
  • No cutting or stitching required
  • Minimal side effects & downtime
  • Instant results
“Filters are great but great skin is better!”

What happens during The Plasma Elite treatment?

Safety & client comfort is of the utmost importance to us. Your Plasma Elite journey begins with an in-depth consultation with your practitioner which takes place in our comfortable consultation lounge. Enjoy a glass of fizz or a barista-style coffee while we explain the Plasma Elite treatment to you. During this time, we give you the opportunity to ask all your questions and gain all the information you need to feel confident in your procedure and ensure you are happy to proceed with the treatment. We can recommend a treatment plan and fill out all your paperwork together. If there is any more information that’s needed before the treatment, then this gives us time to put everything in place for you in advance. Some of our consultation forms are very detailed but this information is required to ensure that we are looking after you and you get the best treatment possible. We will take photographs of the areas or areas which you would like treated at the consultation and on the day of your treatment.

On the day of your treatment, you will be shown to our clinical treatment room and the procedure will begin with an application of numbing cream, this is applied around 30 minutes before treatment while you relax on our comfy bed. The numbing cream allows us to apply the plasma without any discomfort or pain. Once the treatment is complete, we will take photographs again and provide you with our Plasma Elite aftercare pack and post-treatment aftercare & homecare instructions.

12 weeks post-treatment we invite you to join us for a quick catch up and check in on your results. We will take “after” photographs at this time which we will compare with your “before” photos. We can even send you the “before & after” picture as a souvenir of your Plasma Elite journey.

Fibroblast Facial FAQ’s

Plasma Is known as the fourth state matter. Our state-of-the-art hand piece produces a small plasma arc which looks like a tiny bolt of lightning. When this tiny plasma arc meets the skin, it causes sublimation. Sublimation causes the skin to contract producing a tightened effect. Heat which is produced in the Epidermis & Dermis encourages fibroblast cells to the area. These fibroblast cells are responsible for creating collagen & elastin.
Aesthetic can be used during the treatment for comfort, however some discomfort (like a non-severe sunburn) can be felt in the are post treatment.
This varies from person to person and depends upon which area is to be treated. Where the plasma arc has met the skin a small toast coloured dot is left behind. This is part of the process and the dots need to be left until the crust and fall off naturally which is usually 5 – 7 days. Eyes tend to swell for 1 – 5 days. It is recommended to avoid the use of makeup during the healing stage 7days.

Aftercare and homecare are extremely important, and you will be given advice during consultation and post treatment by your therapists as well as a copy of your aftercare & homecare advice to take home and emailed to you. 

Aftercare is care that you must take immediately after your treatment, the area treated should be kept clean to reduce risk of infection. 

Homecare is a daily routine to follow to help the healing process and give you the best results. 

An aftercare pack will be Included in your treatment price. This will be given to you before leaving to insure you have everything you need at home. 

This varies from person to person and the area being treated. Results cannot be guaranteed however we endeavour to do our best to achieve good results and this will be discussed during consultation.

We would normally recommend 2 – 3 treatments, this will be discussed during consultation.

Most clients will experience side effects from the treatments for around 7 – 10 days. These side effects are short term including swelling & tenderness. Due to its non-invasive nature, Plasma Fibroblast is deemed to be a safe treatment. 

Medical Conditions – Please read before booking your consultation

Contraindications are medical reasons which we need to know about before we can begin your treatment.

  • Contraindications may require the treatment to be augmented or changed.
  • Contraindications may impede the success of the treatment.
  • Contraindications may deem it dangerous for the treatment to go ahead.
  • Regular cold sores (lips only) or active cold sores
  • Skin Cancer
  • Cancer
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Vitiligo
  • Diabetes
  • Thyroid Conditions
  • HIV/AIDS/Autoimmune deficiencies
  • Photosensitive medications
  • Antibiotics
  • Roaccutane
  • Glycation
  • Skin Treatments
  • Fat/water retention not loose skin
  • Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
  • Keloid Scars
  • Dark Skin (Skin Fitzpatrick 5 or above)
  • Epilepsy