Aesthetica Facial Treatments

Our skin does so much for as without us even really taking notice. Our skin is literally the largest organ in our bodies and is as unique and as amazing as you are.

We take a holistic approach to skin health. We will treat the skin from within with nutrition and supplements, treat skin conditions such as acne, wrinkles, dull, dry, unbalanced etc with a range of targeted advanced treatments and provide wonderful homecare regimes and skincare.

We are not necessarily looking for “perfect skin” and we don’t see anything wrong with ageing, in fact we believe this should be celebrated! “Healthy Skin” is our ambition and we believe this is achievable at any age.

We have spent time researching the treatments, products & protocols to bring you the best return for your skinvestment whatever your skin type or requirement.

Healthy skin is soft, smooth, clear and glowing. We want you to love the skin you’re in, so ditch the filters and get a facial!

Facial Treatments

Skin Analysis Facial Treatment

Begin your skin discovery journey today by booking our SKIN ANALYSIS FACIAL treatment.

Our Skin analysis facial treatment begins with an in depth lifestyle, medical, skin consultation and includes a relaxing Clinicare Classic Skin Analysis Facial.

We will then use this information along with and our knowledge and expertise to create a bespoke plan of treatments centred around your lifestyle and your skin requirements. The treatment plan may include lifestyle advice, home care & Skin care recommendations and of course suggest the best course of treatments. – Perfect if you are starting out on your skincare journey, you have a special event or future occasion and you want to look your best or you feel your old skincare routine needs some refreshing.

CliniCare Facial Treatments

Classic, Cinderella or Targeted. Choose your favourite! If you’re ready to begin your skincare journey and in need of a pamper facial or if you have a big event or special occasion then we have the perfect treatment for you. Looking for a more targeted approach? Then choose from Glow, Pure or Refresh facial treatments to treat your skin concerns.

Advanced Facial Treatments

Anti Ageing

Meta Therapy is a form of micro-needling is a clinically proven treatment method for skin resurfacing, anti-ageing, skin tightening, hydration and restoration. The skin will get a better structure, finer pores, more firmness, elasticity and a youthful appearance.

Deep Clensing

Ultrasonic Treatment stimulates blood circulation, aids in lymphatic drainage, gently exfoliates away dead skin cells, cleanses away toxins, enhances skin care product performance, refines large pores, improves skin texture and tone, clarifies acne and blemishes. Gentle and effective especially for Sensitive, Rosacea and Acne prone skin.


Dermaplaning is a skin treatment that uses a specialized blade to remove dead skin and hairs. As well as smoothing skin and removing “peach fuzz,” Dermaplaning can help with dry skin and aids topical product absorption. The procedure aims to give facial skin a smooth, youthful, and radiant appearance.


Plasma Fibroblast is a non-surgical skin tightening cosmetic treatment. Target specific areas such as around the eyelids or under the eyes to remove loose crepy skin and rejuvenate the area. Using Plasma (the 4th state of matter) instead of a scalpel shrinks, tightens and reduces the volume of excess skin with less downtime.


LED Treatment can be added to any of our classic, targeted or advanced treatments to Boost the effects of the treatment and treat areas of concern. The lights emitting Diodes are set at colour frequencies which are scientifically proven to address and improve skin quality. The light energy wavelengths are absorbed through the skin creating Photon physiotherapy at a cellular level.